Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Red Bull's Simply Cola - a more natural energy drink.

There’s a brand new wedding blog that just getting started - www.weddingplanningandaccessories.com – and they have just posted an interesting review of Red Bull’s Simply Cola.

Now we all know that wedding planning can be exhausting. So can the wedding day. If you decide that you need a boost – but don’t want to be all jittery – then you might want to give Red Bull’s Simply Cola a try. With its complex spiced flavor, Red Bull’s Simply Cola is a more natural alternative to the typical energy drinks out there today. And you are probably not going to be flush from an intense amount of “B” vitamins that are in present in energy drinks as well. And I won’t even mention the sugar!

Here's the consumer's review from http://www.weddingplanningandaccessories.com/:

"A few years ago, I became a Red Bull Energy Drink junkie. While it took me a few weeks to get used to the taste, a can of Red Bull was never far from my hand either first thing in the morning, or before hockey games. And while I still enjoy a can now and then, I have found that the older I get, the less I enjoy that 'Red Bull feeling.' "

"I have recently been giving Red Bull Simply Cola a try. It’s not quite an energy drink, but instead an all natural cola. Consisting of natural ingredients (including coca leaf, kola nut, lemon/lime, clove, cinnamon, cardamom, pine, corn mint, galangal, vanilla, ginger, mace, cacao, licorice, orange, mustard seeds, and caffeine derived from coffee beans), Red Bull Simply Cola has a complex spiced flavor. In other words – you are not going to confuse it with Coke or Pepsi during a blind taste test. You might, however, enjoy Red Bull Simply Cola when you need a “kick,” but want it to be more on the mellow side."

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